Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Red Ribbon Week at the Elementary School!

Starting Monday, October 24th, we will be having Red Ribbon Week!  There will be daily reminders, but please make a note on your calendars.

Monday – Crazy Hair Day - "Don't go crazy for drugs" - dress code, with crazy hair
Tuesday – Super Hero Day - "Be super and don't do drugs" - dress code with super hero accessories
Wednesday – Twin Day - "I'll never catch my twin doing drugs" - pick another student in the school and dress exactly alike.  No uniforms, but school appropriate
Thursday – Nerd Day - "Be smart, don't do drugs" - No uniforms, but school appropriate
Friday – Dress like Mrs. Watson Day - "Be 'principaled' and don't do drugs" - No uniforms, but school appropriate.

We'll be having the classes come and tie red ribbons on the fence to spell Drug Free on Wednesday, and we will make all the carpool signs, and posters for inside the school.