Tuesday, December 14, 2010

STAR Reading Volunteers Needed

Parents and Community Members,

We need your help.  There are students at Providence Hall who are struggling with their reading.  All of these students receive reading instruction from their teacher, but they need a little more practice and help.  One way that we are able to help our students is through our STAR reading program.  In our STAR reading program, we are currently helping 39 students who are below grade level in their reading skills.  There are 49 more students who are not getting the extra assistance we would like them to have because we don’t have enough volunteers to reach them all. 

STAR reading is a program that is coordinated by school employs, but it uses volunteers as well.  As a school, we have decided to hire another employee to help with STAR.  This will help us to serve many of those 49 students.  However, we cannot afford to hire more than one new person and there will still be lots of kids who need help. 

In STAR, the volunteers work one-on-one with a student.  As a volunteer, you can help one student or more, depending on how much time you are willing to offer.   Before beginning to work with a student, volunteers receive some simple training, but the work you do is very simple and fun.  Anyone who can read can do it!

We need people who can be here any day of the week at any of the following times: 9:30, 10:30 or 11:30.  You can come once a week, twice, three times, whatever you are able to do.  Each time you come, you will work with one student for 30 minutes.    

As you know, the development of good reading skills during the elementary school years is critical to a child’s future success.  As a volunteer, you can make a BIG difference to one of our students.  If you can’t volunteer, please talk to your neighbors, friends, grandparents or other people from the community.  This is a great opportunity to help.  What better way to celebrate the holidays? 

Anyone interested should contact the school.  Please call or e-mail your child’s teacher or e-mail Stephanie Renshaw, the STAR coordinator.  srenshaw@providencehall.com.